Ted stevens international airport is located in which u.s. city
Ted stevens international airport is located in which u.s. city

ted stevens international airport is located in which u.s. city

Compare that to Anchorage, which usually serves 5 million passengers annually.

ted stevens international airport is located in which u.s. city

It’s also a far cry from last year when-for the 21st year in a row-Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport claimed the title of busiest airport in the world, thanks to 107 million travelers passing through its gates in 2018. In April 2020, the busiest day in the sky was the 28th, with 80,714 flights (compared to Apwith 203,239). According to, total air traffic in April was down 62% from 2019, and commercial traffic was down 73.7%. Of course, Anchorage’s latest world-dominating position is also a result of the massive impact that coronavirus has had on aviation. MORE FROM FORBES Flight Attendants Warn: Leisure Travel Needs To Stop Now By Laura Begley Bloom

Ted stevens international airport is located in which u.s. city